Jered Waller
Director of Emerging Tech

Designing security solutions and working with the latest technology are two of Jered’s passions, which is why he loves working with CRUX clients. He firmly believes that when people don’t feel safe or struggle to use technology, organizations can lose millions in wasted time, resources, and productivity. Jered is on a personal mission to create safe, connected environments without limits that are the right fit for every client he works with. 

Jered began his career in 2006 as a field technician installing infrastructure cabling. During the six years he spent in this role, Jered took every opportunity to develop his knowledge and experience in the telecommunications industry. His leadership and problem-solving skills led him to positions as an estimator, responsible for engineering, design, and proposal preparation, as well as consults with customers regarding information technology and telecom needs. 

At CRUX, Jered works directly with clients to design all phases of physical security systems to fit specific needs, including access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection, network infrastructure, and other supporting technologies. He believes that even as technology rapidly advances, professional guidance can lead any organization to the right solutions for their budget and challenges. 

Jered enjoys working on unique projects, such as the Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Academy for Early Learners in Mansfield, Texas, and the Discovery Lab, a children’s museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Both challenged him to think creatively about every aspect of the projects, from camera locations, housing colors, telecom spaces, cable pathways, and everything in between. Though technology and security needs are often at odds with design aesthetics, Jered feels working within those boundaries is critical with specialty projects like these. 

Jered is a Registered Communications Distribution Designer with BICSI and a member of both BICSI and the Construction Specifications Institute.

  • BICSI Registered Communications
    Distribution Designer (RCDD)
  • BICSI Member
  • CSI Member

Insights from Jered

Smart Buildings Demand a Smart Delivery Strategy
Smart Design for Smart Buildings
Smart Buildings Increase Revenue & Reduce Costs
How to Design Smarter Buildings
Planning for Hospitality Technology Enables Personalization
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