Radio Frequency Design & Consulting

Strengthening your signal with our design and compliance advisory services

Today’s energy-efficient buildings are more prone than ever to block out critical radio frequency signals, including cell phones and emergency responder radios. These disruptions in radio frequency coverage can cost you big. Understanding your gaps in coverage and creating a proactive plan for boosting signals isn’t just critical for code compliance, it’s also vital for building owners looking to create a superior occupant experience while maximizing their safety.

Whether you need to secure approvals from local AHJs or ensure building occupant satisfaction, clear communication and advance planning are critical. This is where CRUX can help.

Let CRUX help you get ahead of compliance and coverage gaps

CRUX helps architects and building owners plan radio frequency enhancement systems that meet building codes and occupant demands. We perform site surveys and needs assessments to help you better understand your radio frequency signal weaknesses and create a plan for moving forward. When you’re ready to take the next step, our experts can advise on the best available technology options and manage the process of incorporating radio frequency coverage holistically into your network design.

With a stronger upfront understanding of your coverage and compliance needs today, you can plan your radio frequency investment on your terms.

Incorporating radio frequency design in your network planning gets you the most complete coverage at the best price.

Ready to take the next step in ensuring your building meets code demands and occupant need?  Contact CRUX about your next project.